
Blind Blake: A Photographic Journey with Blake Lindsay

I met Blake Lindsay in 2016 when I was working on my first photo series about blindness. I worked with Envision, formerly Dallas Light House for the Blind, to document the stories of 15 people with a variety of visual impairments. Blake was the first of the company’s employees I met who took me on his journey as a blind person, or rather “handi-capable” person as he likes to describe himself.​

Short Doc: It’ll Take More than Crippling MS and Near Blindness to Stop this Photog

One of the great things about photography is that inspirational stories aren't hard to come by -- whether it's tragic circumstances that are being brought to light by a daring photojournalist or a success story about a young photographer who is just discovering his passion for this industry.

Street photographer Flo Fox's story is yet another kind of inspirational. It's a story of overcoming unimaginable adversity, and a rock hard determination not to let any of life's curveballs get in the way of doing what you love.

Tommy Edison: Instagrammer, Film Critic, and Blind Since Birth

Tommy Edison is an incredible person. Born blind, he has managed to lead a successful, fulfilling life as a film critic, receiving national attention for his spot on reviews of movies like "Water for Elephants." But in addition to successfully reviewing a genre most would consider to be in the domain of the sighted, Mr. Edison is also a prolific Instagram user.

Blind Visual Artist Pete Eckert Makes Photographs Without Seeing

Pete Eckert didn't start out too seriously in photography. Trained in sculpture and industrial design, he was working as a carpenter when one day a doctor diagnosed him with retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic eye condition that leads to permanent blindness. He eventually discovered photography and has been doing amazing work since. The beautifully made video above sheds light on how he goes about creating art despite his visual impairment.