
The Black Leopard: One Man’s Quest to Capture the Ultimate Wildlife Photo

Behind every once-in-a-lifetime photograph is a story. Sometimes these are stories of luck—of being in the right place, at the right time, with the right lens attached to your camera—but more often than not triumph is preceded by years of trial and error. An outlandish "bucket shot" achieved by the sheer force of the photographer’s will and persistence. The Black Leopard by wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas falls into the second category.

Man Mauled During Paid Photo Op with Black Leopard in ‘Backyard Zoo’

A man in South Florida was mauled by a black leopard after he paid $150 for a "full-contact experience" with the big cat in what is being described as a "backyard zoo." The experience was supposed to include playing with the leopard, rubbing its belly, and taking pictures... instead the man has had to undergo multiple surgeries.

My Quest to Photograph the Most Elusive Cat in Africa

Since childhood, I have been fascinated by stories of black panthers. For me, no animal is shrouded in more mystery, no animal more elusive, and no animal more beautiful. For many years they remained the stuff of dreams and of far-fetched stories told around the campfire at night. Nobody I knew had ever seen one in the wild and I never thought that I would either. But that didn’t stop me dreaming…