
Delkin Unveils the World’s First 2TB CFExpress Memory Card

Delkin announced the latest leap in CFExpress technology today by unveiling the world's first 2TB CFExpress Type B memory card. That's double the capacity of the previous "world's largest" 1TB cards, which were first launched by ProGrade Digital in April of 2018.

Visiting the World’s Largest Digital Camera

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is a telescope that will contain the largest digital camera ever built. Here's a 4-minute video in which the folks at Gizmodo pay a visit to the 3.2-gigapixel camera that's the size of a small car.

This is the World’s First 512GB microSD Memory Card

Want to store a ridiculous number of high-resolution photos and videos on your smartphone? Integral Memory has just announced the world's largest microSD card that stores a staggering 512GB of data in a memory card the size of a fingernail.

The Largest Contact Print Ever Made is 24 Square Meters Huge

An Italian experimental photography group has set a new world record. Using a 24 square meter negative, a canvas of the same size, and 12 minutes and 30 seconds of exposure courtesy of the sun, they created the world's largest cyanotype contact print.

Photograph of the Largest Landslide Ever Recorded in the United States

A couple of months ago, a massive landslide at Kennecott Utah Copper's Bingham Canyon Mine cut production at the second largest copper producer in the US in half. What began as a movements measured at only fractions of an inch, turned into a 165-million ton wall of loose dirt tumbling down the northeast section of the mine around 9:30pm local time on April 10th.

BTS: Building and Using the Largest Film Camera in the World

Here's an update on photographer Dennis Manarchy's Vanishing Cultures project, which we featured at the beginning of the year. Manarchy has just released the new video above that sheds some light on how the idea came about and how everything came together. After building the world's biggest film camera, Manarchy has been using the "largest-format camera" to document 50 different cultures all across the United States in an epic 20,000-mile road trip. The resulting portraits will be displayed in an equally epic exhibition titled "The Vanishing Cultures: An American Portrait."

A Glimpse at the World’s Largest Digital Camera, a 570-Megapixel Beast

Back in September, we shared the first photos snapped by the world's largest and most powerful digital camera: the 570-megapixel Dark Energy Camera located on a mountaintop in Chile. Reuters recently paid a visit to the massive astro-camera and the scientists behind it, and created the short 2-minute piece above that offers a closer look at the unique piece of camera equipment.

World’s Largest Camera Big Enough to Hold an Airplane

What you see above is the inside of the world's largest pinhole camera measuring 45x160x80 feet. It's an abandoned airplane hangar in Irvine, California that was converted over the course of two months into a gigantic pinhole camera. 24,000 square feet of plastic, 1,300 gallons of foam filler, 1.52 miles of tape, and 40 cans of spray paint went into darkening the hangar.

World’s Largest Indoor Photo Weighs in at 40 Gigapixels

Photographer Jeffrey Martin, founder of 360cities, recently use a Canon 550D and 200mm lens to shoot the largest indoor photograph ever made: a ginormous 40 gigapixel photograph of a 18th-century baroque library in the Strahov Monastery in Prague, Czech Republic. Over 5 days of shooting with his robot control camera, Martin collected 2,947 separate photos that went into the resulting panorama. The RAW photos then took a day to batch process, 111 hours to stitch, and 20 hours to Photoshop, finally ending as a single 283 gigabyte photograph.

Man Creates World’s Largest Message Using GPS and 12K+ Miles of Driving

Here's a method of scrawling gigantic messages that puts skywriting to shame: Nick Newcomen spent 30 days driving 12,238 miles across 30 states in a GPS-logger equipped car, tracing the message "Read Ayn Rand" across the face of the United States. Ayn Rand is a Russian-American novelist and philosopher who write two bestselling books (The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged) and introduced a philosophy called Objectivism.

After the road trip, he loaded the location data from the logger (a Qstarz BT-Q1000X) into Google Earth to produce the end result: the world's biggest writing.