
Famous Photographs Turned Into Arm’s-Length Self-Portraits

Self-portraits snapped with an outstretched arm can be seen everywhere these days, from profile pictures on Facebook to filtered shots on Instagram. Among iconic historical photos? Not so much.

However, Cape Town, South Africa-based newspaper Cape Times has launched a brilliant new advertising campaign that imagines what those photos were look like if they had been captured with arm's-length "selfies".

An Arm’s-Length Self-Portrait Captured Millions of Miles Away

Facebook users here on Earth aren't the only ones shooting arm's-length self-portraits: NASA's Curiosity rover over on Mars is doing it as well! Curiosity captured the image above a couple of days ago using its Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), which is attached to an extendable robotic arm. The image is actually a composite of 55 separate photos shot using the 2-megapixel RGB color CCD camera.