
Fascinating X-Ray GIFs Give You a Peek Inside Your Joints

Graphic designer Cameron Drake recently created these captivating X-Ray GIFs for a website he is working on. Edited together from several X-Rays, the GIFs give you a glimpse inside the anatomical magic that lets you bend all of the major joints in your body.

Fashion Photography Rig Turns Out to Be the Best Way to Photograph Monkey Brains

Mmmm -- monkey brains haven't looked this good since the banquet scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

That would be thanks to the StyleShoots fashion photography rig that researchers at the Netherlands-based Primate Brain Bank used to capture detailed, perfectly posed images of the grey matter of everything from gorillas to tiny lemurs.

Cross Section Views of Leica Lenses

If colleges offered camera equipment anatomy classes, this Leica lens cutaway might be one of the things you'd be examining in the lab. It's a Leica Tri-Elmar-M 28-35-50mm sliced cleanly down the middle, revealing all the glass and pieces inside that go into making the lens.