
The Story Behind a Photo Project: ‘State of Decay’ by Alejandro Cegarra

It’s Martin Kaninsky from the All About Street Photography YouTube channel, and today I would like to talk about a series of photographs that placed 3rd for Long-Term Projects, Stories in the 2019 World Press Photo competition. It's State of Decay by Alejandro Cegarra.

The Tower of David: Photographs Showing Life Inside the Tallest Slum in the World

The Tower of David in the Venezuelan capital city of Caracas is an unfinished skyscraper and the third tallest building in the country. The construction of the tower came to an abrupt halt in 1994 due to the Venezuelan banking crisis, and it was quickly taken over by squatters. Thus, for years the building was known as the "tallest slum in the world."

24-year-old photographer Alejandro Cegarra spent time with the residents and documented their way of life through images. The resulting project is titled, "The Other Side of the Tower."