
Travel Photography with a 35mm: How a Prime Lens Stole My Heart

From the beginning of my photography career—which is … almost 30 years ago (that can’t be true!)—I've been shooting with zoom lenses. Due to the flexibility they offer, I was convinced they make the best choice; as far as I know, thousands of other travel photographers who would say the same.

Yangon Myanmar is the New Cuba for Street Photography

Cuba has long been the go-to location for iconic street and travel photography—its combination of tropical beauty and crumbling textures mixed with a festive population is photo gold. The trouble is, with the recent influx of tourism the floodgates of photographers has opened and it is becoming harder to get that truly unique image.

My Other Life as a Photographer: An Inspirational Short

When he's not out shooting commercial assignments for outdoor, travel, and lifestyle brands, German photographer Lars Schneider makes time to shoot for himself. In February, a camera followed him on one of these personal trips to the Faroe Islands to document his "other life" as a photographer.

Beyond: Flemming Bo Jensen on Living as a Nomad Photographer

Those readers who often find themselves afflicted with a serious case of wanderlust might want to avoid this post. In the 10-minute documentary above, director Charlene Winfred will take you on a journey with self-proclaimed "gypsy" and "nomad" photographer Flemming Bo Jensen that will have you reaching for your camera gear with one hand while you shop for plane tickets online with the other.

Couple Travels 135,000 Miles Over 5 Years for Wedding Dress Portraits

Photographer Jeff Salvage and his wife Jennifer got married back in 2008 near a volcano crater on Easter Island. While they were there, Salvage had his new wife wear her wedding dress for three photo shoots in various locations and at various times. Those shoots sparked a photo project idea that would take the two on an adventure around the world.

Since 2008, the Salvages have traveled over 135,000 miles to countries all over the world. At each location, Jeff shoots a portrait of Jennifer wearing her dress.

Introducing the Travelwide: An Affordable, Ultraportable Large-Format Camera

Many photographers want to give large format a shot, but carrying a massive 4x5 camera around with you isn't always practical or realistic. Fortunately for those people, the folks of Wanderlust Cameras have hit Kickstarter with a new invention: the Travelwide 4x5. It's an affordable, ultralight large-format camera that you can take with you anywhere.

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World

Russian photographer Murad Osmann has been attracting quite a bit of attention this past week on the Internet for his images. No, it's not his professional photos of people and places, but rather a clever project he has been putting together on his Instagram account.

It's titled "Follow Me," and features a unique perpective: each shot is from Osmann's point of view, and shows the back of his girlfriend Nataly Zakharova's body as she leads him by the hand through various locations around the world.

Wide Angle Pinhole Cap for Micro Four Thirds Bodies

The Pinwide is a new pinhole cap by Wanderlust Cameras that takes advantage of the mirrorless nature of Micro Four Thirds cameras by recessing the cap into the body of the camera, achieving a wide field of view and strong natural vignetting. The "lens" is the equivalent of a 22mm on a 35mm camera, and boasts a perfectly round pinhole "made with the same precision etching technology used to manufacture semicoductors" to ensure sharpness.