
Canon Takes Down After Photos and Videos Go Missing

Canon's new 'Camera Cloud Platform' hasn't been up very long, but it's already experienced its first critical failure. The site has been taken down pending an investigation after "some original photo and video files" that were marked for long term storage were "lost."

The Ultimate Guide for Creating an Efficient and Effective Lightroom Workflow

When diving into Lightroom, trying to set up a workflow can be a daunting task. Even once you have one in place, trying to stay consistent with it and properly tweak it as needed is a challenge.

Knowing this, the team over at Phlearn has put together a very useful, in-depth video that walks you through the basics of setting up a workflow and learning how to properly maintain it over time.

Print Photos Off of Over a Dozen Online Storage Services with Prints is a file synching service that came about as a way to move photos and other media between the may cloud storage and sharing services out there. In the year or so since it launched, over 50 million files have passed through's servers as users took advantage of the service to backup, transfer and share thousands of photos. And now, we can add "print" to that list.

Facebook ‘Photo Syncing’ Uploads Your Smartphone Photos As They’re Shot

Facebook is testing out a new feature for its Android mobile app called "Photo Syncing". The feature automatically backs up your smartphone's photographs by uploading them to Facebook as they're shot, tucking them away inside a private "Synced from Phone" tab on your photos page that isn't visible to anyone but you. You can then later choose which photos you'd like to make private and which you'd simply like for Facebook to hold on to.