
Photographer Gets an Entire Wedding to Do the Mannequin Challenge

This might be one of those few times when the word "epic" applies. For her latest newsworthy feat, celebrity wedding photographer Suzanne Delawar managed to get an entire wedding—wedding party and guests—to stand perfectly still several times for the #mannequinchallenge.

Will Video Kill Photography’s Stars?

High-end video camera manufacturers are continuing to engineer innovative products that may one day change the way photographers take photographs, particularly in portrait, fashion and glamour circles.

It’s a challenging and tough sell, and not without a few obvious problems.

Photographer Blends Day and Night by Compositing Photos Shot at Different Hours

The idea of ‘average’ is strange, especially when it’s put into real-world situations and memories. The places most familiar to us change on a daily basis, even if it’s just the slightest bit, but when we look back, our brains piece together this conglomeration of what we’ve seen over the days, months and years to create a familiar, cohesive memory.

It was a similar line of thinking that inspired photographer Wolfgang Hildebrand to create his strangely chaotic compositions of city streets.

Amateur Photographer Experiments with Using a 4K Video Still as its Magazine Cover Photo

The idea that 4K+ resolution video will soon become a big thing in still photography is one rooted in convenience. While it doesn’t seem video will overtake still photography for good anytime soon, Amateur Photographer wanted to dip their toes in the water.

In a recent experiment, the Amateur Photographer team decided that the September 20th issue of their magazine would feature a cover that uses a still image extracted from video shot at 4K.

Photojournalist Bill Eppridge Discusses the Importance of the Still Image

At last year's Fall Photography at the Summit, the folks at the Summit Series of Workshops got a chance to sit down and speak with legendary photojournalist Bill Eppridge. They asked him about "the importance of the still image," and Eppridge responded by sharing the wise views on photography he has spent a lifetime acquiring.

Creating Still Photographs by Extracting Frames from HD Video

Are we close to the point at which HD video cameras are so good that professional photographs can simply be extracted from footage rather than shot with a still photography camera? That's a question photographer Kevin Arnold had, and when he finally got his hands on a $65,000 RED camera he decided to seek an answer.