
Doggy Photo Booth Helps Shelter Get Dogs Adopted

Photographer Guinnevere Shuster of the Humane Society of Utah came up with a fantastic idea for helping dogs get adopted: the doggy photo booth. Her photos of the dogs do a much better job at capturing their personalities than standard snapshots, and the results have been impressive: 93.26% of the dogs are now finding new homes.

Photographer Shoots Fantasy Portraits of Stray Dogs in Cyprus to Help Get Them Adopted

When photographer Stuart Holroyd moved to Cyprus in March 2014, he heard about a woman named Kayte Wilson-Smith who runs a small rescue center for stray, abused, and/or abandoned dogs. It's called Bay Tree Rescue, is funded entirely by Wilson-Smith's pension and donations, and houses roughly 60 dogs at any given time.

Holroyd wanted to get involved in the project, so he decided to use his photography background to help. His "Bay Tree Project" is a series of fantasy portraits of the dogs that are meant to raise funds, awareness, and adoptions.

Disturbing Photos Capture the Realities of Euthanization at Animal Shelters

Warning: This post contains strong and disturbing photos of euthanasia and animal suffering.

Every year in North Carolina, over 250,000 animals are euthanized because there is no one willing to adopt them and care for them. This averages to nearly 700 animals killed daily. NC-based photographer Mary Shannon Johnstone has been on a mission to draw public awareness to the issue of animal overpopulation. Her gut-wrenching project, titled "Breeding Ignorance," offers an brutally honest look at the conditions inside animal shelters and the tragedy of beautiful (and often healthy) animals being put down.