
Amazon Photos

PSA: Amazon Photos Doesn’t Maintain Folder Structure on Backup

Amazon Photos is a compelling backup solution for existing Amazon Prime members as it offers unlimited full-resolution photo storage. However, while the storage capacity is appealing, it should be noted that Amazon Photos doesn't maintain the original file structure, severely limiting its utility for many photographers.

Don’t Use iCloud for Long-Term Photo Backup

My friend Bill just returned from a family vacation in Costa Rica and shot lots of photos and videos on his iPhone, including some killer shots of breakfasts with local monkeys.

Building a Comprehensive Photo Storage and Backup System

Storage and backup. It’s a mundane reality of photography. I’d much rather spend time with my camera or be teaching others about photography. But, in the digital age, you have to have a storage and backup strategy for your photos. Storage and backup may be mundane, but they are unquestionably critical.

Dropbox Beta Now Lets Mac Users Import iPhoto Libraries and Share Screenshots

Since the outset of 2013, Dropbox has consistently sought to improve its ability to handle and share photos. Of course, a cloud storage provider isn't going to compete with the likes of Flickr, but the company still wants to make it extremely easy to store all of your photos.

Dropbox's most recent move in that direction is the announcement of a new beta that allows Mac users to import entire iPhoto libraries and all users to automatically backup and share screenshots.