
Women Given Photoshop Transformations Say They Prefer Their Before Images

It's common knowledge that Photoshop is used, in varying degrees, to help models and celebrities look their best in magazines. But is 'their best' really all that great? Does removing imperfections, smoothing skin and trimming waistlines really something desirable?

BuzzFeed wanted to find out, and so they offered four women professional photoshoots and Photoshop makeovers to see how they reacted to their before and after images.

Flickr Gets a Makeover, Photo Pages Stretched and Redesigned

If you login to Flickr today, you should see a notice at the top of your photo pages informing you of a soon-to-be-released redesign and allowing you to preview it. The new design features the photograph much more prominently, upping the size from 500px wide to 640px on a wider page. The goal seems to be making the page cleaner and more minimalistic, with many of the icons moving to drop-down menus. There's also a heavier emphasis on geo-tagging, which appears as a small map to the right of the photo.