
Viral Bernie Sanders Video Irks Photographer Whose Work Inspired It

If you've been following the ongoing presidential race in the US, you may have seen the Bernie Sanders video above that has been going viral over the past 2 weeks. Titled "TOGETHER," it has the tagline: "America should work for all of us. #votetogether."

But one photographer isn't happy about the way his concept and style were used as inspiration for the ad.

Study: Flickr Photos Can Predict People’s Movements

Before you head out for your next vacation, you may want to consider what your photos on Flickr reveal about your travel plans. A new study published in the Royal Society Open Science journal used machine learning algorithms to model the mobility of individuals.

By analyzing the embedded timestamp and geographic information within photographs, the researchers were able to accurately predict where a person is most likely currently located and where they may be headed in the future.

Portraits of Bailey the Golden Retriever Dressed up and Doing Human Things

You might not know Bailey the golden retriever, but you probably do know OF her. She's the dog from one of the famous "I have no idea what I'm doing" Internet memes that you've probably seen floating around.

What you might not know is that Bailey does a lot more than sit in front of the computer looking confused. She does everything from chopping wood, to washing cars, to balancing her checkbook, and her owner (actually, we're not sure who's taking care of who...) is there to take pictures of every adventure.

Is This Portrait the Most Representative Photograph of the Human Race?

If you had to select one photograph to best represent the entire human race, which photograph would you choose? That's a question encyclopedia editors must answer, and one that the Wikipedia community had to as well. The photograph above is what they have settled on (as of May 2013) for their article on "Human".

It's a portrait of a couple from northern Thailand's Akha people group, indigenous hill tribe. The husband is carrying the stem of a banana-plant that will be fed to their family's pigs.

Eerie Human Hologram Photograph Shot Using a Tablet and Light Painting

In 1993, a convicted murderer named Joseph Paul Jernigan was executed. Having donated his body to science, his body was sliced to provide 1,871 high-resolution cross-section photographs of human anatomy in what is known as the Visible Human Project.

Last year we shared a project called 12:31, in which two photographers used an animation of the cross-section slices to photograph ghostly figures through light-painting. Inspired by that project, photographer Andy Leach recently used the animation for a shoot of his own: he recreated Jernigan's body as a hologram.

Albert Kahn’s Documentation of Humanity Through Early Color Photography

Albert Kahn was a wealthy French banker who launched a project in the early 1909 that aimed to create a photographic record of the world. The first commercially successful color photography process, Autochrome Lumière, had just arrived two years earlier, and Kahn decided to use the medium to both document human life and to promote peace. He sent out an army of photographers to 50 different countries, amassing 72,000 photos and 100 hours (183,000 meters) of film that became one of the most important collections of images in human history.

Ghosts Captured Using Light Painting

These ghostly figures you see in these photographs weren't Photoshopped in, but are purely done through light painting. If you remember the creative 3D light painting technique using an iPad that we shared a while back, Croix Gagnon and Frank Schott took it a step further and put a slightly morbid twist on it. For their project "12:31", they "painted" using a laptop and an animation showing cross-sections of a human body!