
Photography as We Know is Changing, and it’s Your Job to Change with It

Patrick Hall from Fstoppers and Pye Jirsa from SLR Lounge recently sat down for an in-depth conversation about how photography is changing in 2019. In a fascinating and insightful discussion that lasts almost 45 minutes, they ultimately try to tackle one question: is photography as we know it dying?

$10,000 vs. $425 Portrait Lighting: Can You Tell the Difference?

How much of a difference is there between using an expensive high-end lighting setup and shooting the same portraits with cheaper gear? Photographer Patrick Hall of Fstoppers made this illuminating 9.5-minute video that compares a $10,000 studio lighting setup with a $425 option. Can you tell the difference between the resulting photos?

This is What Camera Bag Marketing Hype is Like

It seems like every month there's an earth-shattering new camera bag that can hold ridiculous amounts of gear in an absurd number of compartments. Fstoppers decided to poke fun at this niche in the photo industry and created this humorous 3-minute sketch showing what camera bag marketing hype is like when you buy into it.

How to Capture a Complex 5-Light Beer Bottle Product Shot from Start to Finish

Have you ever wondered how those beautiful beer bottle ads in magazines are shot? Product photography is one of the more complicated genres out there, packed full of neat 'tricks of the trade' and lighting techniques. And if you wanna learn a few of them, this beer bottle product photo tutorial is a great place to start.

FlashDisc is a Portable Softbox that Folds Up to Fit In Your Pocket

The FlashDisc by Fstoppers is a portable softbox that can fit into your pocket when its not in use, thanks to a design that allows it to fold up in a manner similar to portable light reflectors. It allows photographers to achieve soft directional light in situations where larger softboxes are impractical.

Hasselblad vs Red Epic: Will Video Kill the Still Photography Star?

Video technology is advancing at an alarming rate, and the question that seems to be on many a photographer's mind is: "will video ever render still photography obsolete?" In the future, will shooting a sunset simply involve going out and recording 30 minutes to an hour of video and then pulling your favorite frames into Photoshop or Lightroom? Well, that's the question that this video from Fstoppers is trying to answer.