
Photographer Captures Rare Pictures of an Upside-Down Iceberg

When you think of icebergs, you probably think of those large white objects you see in movies and pictures. In rare situations, they can also be seen in a different form. When the iceberg gets flipped upside-down, it looks like a giant shiny piece of ice that's the color of the surrounding water.

Video: Photographer’s Boat Capsized by a Pair of Feeding Blue Whales

Photographer and animal lover Dale Frink was on a whale watching trip earlier this month when something scary happened: two lunge feeding blue whales popped up right behind the whale watching boat he was on, capsizing it and sending Frink and all his stuff into the frigid water.

And yet, he still got the shot.

A Portrait Project Showing Subjects with Two Perfectly Symmetrical Faces

Symmetrical Portraits is a well-known and oft-imitated series of photos by photographer Julian Wolkenstein, shot back in 2010. After picking a number of subjects based on their facial features, he photographed them staring blankly straight-on into the camera. He then split the faces down the middle in order to obtain two separate "portraits" showing what the subject would look like if they had a perfectly symmetrical face.

Olympic Synchronized Swimming Photos Flipped Upside-Down

What happens if you take photos of synchronized swimming shot at the Olympics and flip them upside-down? Ethereal beauty, that's what.

The Huffington Post did this experiment yesterday using photographs shot by Getty and AFP photographers. The results are magical.