
Photographers Save Swimming Deer from Drowning in Lake Erie

If you need a little end-of-week pick-me-up, this story should hit the spot. While out kayaking on Lake Erie with his friends, photographer Eric Tischler ran across a deer swimming away from shore, already almost a mile out. The trio immediately set about saving the poor creature, capturing photos and video along the way.

Crazy Remote Camera Deer Footage, Or: When Far Side Comics Come to Life

As a kid, did you ever read a Far Side comic like this one and think, "you know what, it could be true!" Now that you're an adult you've probably let go of such childish notions, but then again... you know what, it could be true!

Thanks to remote wildlife cameras, we've been treated to a veritable bear hoedown at the local scratching tree, and now we also have the following footage which captured what seems to be a cartoon-like slap-fight between two wild deer.

How Not to Photograph a Deer in the Wild from a Safe Distance

Back in March 2011, British adventure photographer Dan Milner went on a 9-day photo shoot in the Scottish Highlands for Transworld Snowboarding magazine. While there, he endured blizzards, 100MPH winds, -20° temperatures, and being headbutted in the lens by a wild stag.

It's true: the video above proves it.