
Canon Lens Mug Purchased in Canada

The web has been abuzz the past couple days over the collectible L-lens look-alike coffee mugs Canon was passing out at the Olympics. Everyone is asking whether they'll be available to the general public.

A Gigantic Rube Goldberg Machine

Here's a video that's so creative and awesome it's sure to get your artistic juices flowing. OK Go just put up the music video to their song "This Too Shall Pass", and it's one of the coolest music videos I've ever seen. Basically the whole video shows a gigantic Rube Goldberg contraption built in a warehouse, with the timing and placement of every person and element perfectly integrated into the song.

Taking Photos with Hand Gestures

SixthSense is a wearable gesture device being developed by PhD student Pranav Mistry at the MIT Media Lab that allows the wearer to interact with their environment, treating the real world as a computer display. The above video is of the demo that was given at TED that generated international attention. What we found interesting is how the device allows you to photograph with hand gestures (at 6m25s), and the ability to work with your images on any wall.

Light Painting Animation by Freezelight

Freezelight is a Russian group that creates light painting photographs and animations. They have a pretty interesting blog showcasing their work, and opened up a Vimeo account a few days ago to showcase their films.

Two Largest Photographs in the World

It's quite a coincidence, but two of the largest images in the world were both announced recently. These images were created by taking thousands of individual high-resolution photographs and stitching them together to create gigantic panoramas.

Record Breaking Camera with 158 Lenses

Two days ago, Sankei News in Japan reported that a Nagoya Institute of Technology team led by Professor Yojiro Ishino was certified by Guinness World Records as having built the "Camera With The Most Lenses". The camera boasts a staggering 158 separate lenses.

Dancing to Music in Timelapse

Here's your daily dose of (semi)photographic inspiration: Musical duo Gloobic put together this creative video in which Eric Gunther, one of the two members, dances to a Gloobic track in timelapse.

Time Lapse Video of a Pearl Jam Concert

I'm a sucker for time-lapse videos, especially ones that are edited well. This video of a Pearl Jam concert last month took a whopping 10,000 photographs to make. One photograph was taken every six seconds between 9:09AM and 11:29PM (Wowzers!).