
This Crop Factor Calculator Makes Sensor Math a Breeze

You can't avoid crop factor these days. Whether your camera sports an APS-C, Micro Four Thirds, 1-inch, or some other size sensor, there will come a time when you'll have to calculate a "full-frame equivalent" and that's when the mmCalc Crop Factor Calculator will come in very handy.

The Online Depth of Field Simulator is Now Available as a Free Android App

A couple of months ago, we featured a helpful little web app called the Bokeh Simulator and Depth of Field Calculator. The website allows photographers to quickly visualize what different options in a particular shot (e.g. aperture, focal length, distance to subject) do to the bokeh and depth of field in the resulting photo.

The app has now gotten even better: in addition to some nifty feature upgrades, it can now be downloaded as a free app for Android devices.

This Handy Little Web App Helps You Visualize DOF Across Various Formats and Focal Lengths

When it comes to understanding how depth of field, focal length and other variables are affected by different film/sensor formats, it can get confusing. Fortunately, Reddit user redblue has created an incredibly useful interactive resource that will help you better visualize the factors at play by letting you change variables while swapping sensors sizes and seeing the effect in real time.

DIY Hack: Turn a Graphing Calculator into a Homebrew Intervalometer in 5 Minutes

If you've taken almost any math classes over the last decade, chances are good you have a graphing calculator sitting around in some drawer somewhere. And while we can't promise you'll ever use what you learned in Calculus (an engineer friend of mine used to call it 'calcuseless') the folks over at JACP Media can help put that old calculator to use by turning it into a homebrew intervalometer.

Calculate Your Local Golden Hour

The golden hour in photography is the first or last hour of sunlight in a day that photographers often aim to shoot in, since the sun's position produces a soft and warm light with longer shadows. The Golden Hour Calculator is a useful website that can help you calculate the golden hour(s) for your location, telling you exactly when the sun rises and sets.