
Using the Canon AE-1: One of the Greatest Film Cameras Ever Made

In case you haven't heard, film is making a comeback. It's not just small companies funding new film stocks on Kickstarter, either—Kodak is bringing back Ektachrome and "investigating" what it would take to bring back Kodachrome. There's never been a better time to revisit one of the greatest film cameras ever made.

Top 5 Film Camera and Lens Combos You Can Get for Under $1,000

There are plenty of resources out there for the best digital cameras you can get for under *insert dollar amount here*, but what if you're looking to invest in a good old fashioned film camera?

Not to worry, we've got you covered -- or rather, Bellamy Hunt from JapanCameraHunter has you covered -- with this list of the top 5 film camera and lens combos you can get for under $1,000 USD.