BTS: Making Epic Advertising Composites with Erik Almas

Purists might not take to all of photographer Erik Almas‘ work, and in particular the work featured here, but if you can get over the fact that these are composites that necessarily need some help in the computer to come to life, Almas’ advertising photography will blow your mind.

In the behind the scenes video above, Almas takes you on location (and there are several of them) to shoot and create four very different composite ads.

True, the kind of budget he’s working with is probably astronomical. Not everybody can afford to fly to New York, New Mexico and San Francisco in a just a couple of weeks time, nor do we all have access to lions and bulls and photos from that one Africa trip we took 4 years ago.

Here’s a quick look at what the final four look like (you can see them bigger in the video):


Still, it’s the quality of his work that has earned him this kind of budget freedom. And that quality comes from the ability of phenomenal creatives like Almas to conceive of these scenes in their heads and then bring them to life.

“I truly get to create something,” says Almas. “It’s not a picture you can just go and take, you actually have to see something in your mind, visualize what the outcome is, and then go ahead and capture the pieces you need to sort of create that.”

To see more of Almas’ award-winning work, head over to his website by clicking here. And if you haven’t already, check out his 10 tips to help you grow as a photographer video we featured back in March.
